This weekend we took Brady for his first Texas State Fair experience. He loved the corny dogs and couldn't get enough funnel cake. It was a nice cool day, and we saw the dog show, all the animals and of course Big Tex, which Brady has decided to re-name "Big Texas Tech". I am sure Daddy's brain washing had nothing to do with that. It was a really fun day and Brady napped like a champ afterwards.
I think all of the four people that check our blog already know, but we found out this week we are having a little brother for Brady. Brady will occasionally acknowledge the fact that there is a baby brother in mommy's tummy, but most of the time he is clueless. He has a big surprise coming for him! Colby and I are thrilled to be having a boy and are so excited Brady will have a best friend for life, in his baby brother. The baby room is move in ready and Brady will be getting a new big boy room and bed.