Brady's very favorite song right now is the Happy Birthday song and for dramatic effect, he always holds the final note. "Happy Birthday to yooooooooooooooooooou!" Uncle Beet's (Uncle Brandon's) birthday was last week and Brady left him the full Happy Birthday song on his voice mail. Brandon still has it saved and plays it for the other pilots for comic relief and of course to show off his nephew's talents.
Brady also loves to put on mommy and daddy's shoes. Of course can't get around very well once they are on, but he doesn't mind. Brady is really talking up a storm. He understands almost everything we ask him and responds with a complete sentences, which is probably completely normal at this age, but it continues to amaze me every time he does it. That little voice is enough to make you just want to plant a million kisses on him. He also loves any musical instrument and will play air piano, guitar and drums. It amazes me that he can hold the right beat. The boy has rhythm!
I am feeling great. The 2nd Trimester is such a relief after the first. I can feel the baby moving around quite a bit by now and even feel it from the outside with my hand. Just starting to wear some maternity things, mainly because my shirts are getting a little short. I can still fit into most of my pants and jeans, but they hurt, so I am moving towards stretchy waist items and maternity pants. We have our "big sonogram" in exactly one week and will find out the gender. I am anxious to see the baby and make sure everything looks healthy...and of course find out if we will be seeing blue or pink.