For about a week now we have been getting Brady more acclimated to his crib. He would sleep in it occasionally, but for the first 7 weeks we pretty much let him sleep wherever he wanted. We were scared to move him once he finally fell asleep, whether it was on one of us, in his swing, or in his vibrating chair, we were just so happy he was sleeping. Now, he is actually sleeping so much more and is starting to really get on a schedule. He sleeps more than twice as much now, as he did when he was a newborn and we are loving it. We are putting him in his crib in the evening around 9:00 and he is sleeping almost 4 hours, sometimes longer. Then he wants to eat and goes right back to sleep. He is still waking up about every 3 hours to eat, but he has really been doing great in his crib. It took several nights of some serious crying, but I think he is getting the hang of it. I am actually starting to feel like myself again. I cannot imagine how it will feel when he sleeps through the night, but right now this is heaven.
Brady has always loved to sleep on his side and no matter how many times I lay him down on his back, he always rolls over into his preferred position. He is always in a completely different position and side of the crib when he wakes up. He scoots around so much during the night that he scoots his diaper right off. I have tried putting it on tighter, but whatever he does in his sleep gives him major plumber's crack.
Brady had his 2 month appointment today and he was right on track. He is now 12 lbs 7 oz and 24 inches long. He had to get his shots today though, which were not fun. I have heard Brady scream and didn't think this would phase me, but when she poked him the first time he screamed like I have never heard before and turned about 8 shades of red. Poor baby! I couldn't watch and for some reason he bled quite a bit. After about two minutes though, he calmed down and seems fine now. Colby might have to take him for his next shots, I don't know if I can stomach it.