Brady in his favorite spot, the baby Bjorn.
He is 6 weeks today and is almost smiling. We actually have caught a few little ones and they are so cute. He smiles in his sleep all the time, but is just starting to social smile when he is awake. To the untrained eye, you may not see it, but Colby and I know it is there. :) We are having so much fun with him and he is starting to make some big strides in his sleep patterns, but we still have a long way to go. I cannot imagine the women who return to work after 6 weeks of Maternity Leave. There is no way. Brady is starting to nap more during the day, but still only sleeps in 2 1/2 hour stretches at night. Sometimes we get lucky and he will go for 3. I know soon enough I won't have this time with him, so I am trying to enjoy it. It is 5:44am and we have been up since 3:15. He decided to make this his awake time, so I am just hoping we get a nap today.
Brady loves his bath time and is so darn cute in his tub. I have several pictures of him, but he would probably kill me later in life if I put them on the web, so here is one with no baby nudity.