Wally is doing great and has changed so much just in the first 6 weeks! I look back at his newborn pictures and can't believe how different he already looks. He has lost a ton of hair and now has a receding hair line, so we are just waiting to see what color it comes back in. It is looking pretty red! Wally has a look of surprise pretty much all the time. He is just taking it all in I guess, but his expression is so funny. He still looks a lot like his big brother, but seems to be taking on more of a look all his own. He is gaining weight and already out of all his newborn clothes. He was 10lbs 9oz at his 4 week appt, which isn't huge, but above average. Wally was also in the 75% in length and head size. His head was pretty small when he was born, but apparently he is starting to take on that characteristic from his brother as well.
Wally is on reflux medicine...it also seems to run in the family. He was a great sleeper for the first 2.5 weeks, but he is still stuck on the 2 hour sleeping schedule and apparently does not like to nap anymore. Sometimes we will get a three hour stretch at night and once he slept almost 4 hours! Of course I was so worried about him I couldn't sleep. Wally is a bouncing junky, so we have again gotten some good use of our exercise ball and bouncy chair. I am sure he will get the hang of this sleeping thing soon, but I hear so many stories of babies his age sleeping 6, 7 even 8 hours a night...so jealous! I remind myself to cherish these moments with my little guy...he won't be this age very long.
Brady has been such a good big brother and loves to give Wally kisses and hold him. He will also try to console him when he cries, by patting his head and telling him "it's ok Wally, Mommy will be here in a minute." He also tries to show him how to play on his play mat. Pointing out the animals and how to swat at the toys. Can't wait to see these boys play together as they grow up!