Two weeks ago we went to the Fort Worth Rodeo. It was great, although the weather was not. Good thing most of the events were indoors. Brady sat through the entire 2 1/2 hour rodeo, with just a few melt downs. We walked around the grounds to see all the animals, although Brady's favorite part was sitting on the John Deer Tractor and the GMC Suv. We almost had to bring one home with us! He threw a full on fit when we finally had to leave, but it was fun while it lasted.
I am 37 weeks this week and from what they tell me, this guy will be a decent sized baby. At 36 weeks, he measured 7 lbs 1 oz on the sonogram. Which means by 40 weeks he could be upwards of 9 lbs (so the Dr says). I don't know how much I believe that, those measurements never seem to be accurate...although he sure feels big! I am hoping for that reason my Dr. will want to induce me a few days early, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I am so ready to meet this boy!