Brady has a new love for pushing things around as he crawls. Tupperware, toys, kitchen utensils, whatever is around. He is having so much fun with this car my brother bought him for Christmas. It gets going pretty fast on our wood and tile floors, but Brady seems to keep up. He isn't walking behind it yet, but can zoom around the house on his knees.
We had Brady's 9 month appointment yesterday. I am in complete shock that it has already been 9 months! Brady was almost 21 lbs, 20 lbs 15 oz to be exact, which puts him in the 55% in weight. He was 29 3/4 inches long, which puts him in the 90%. And of course, his head was 19 inches in circumference, which puts him in the "greater than 95%" range. I think they start saying that when your baby is off the charts, so you don't feel bad. The doctor said he looks great and is right on track. He is still having a little trouble with the chunkier foods, but we are working on that. Apparently Daddy had an aversion to certain textures as a baby, too. :)