This thing has been a life saver. I would never be able to get anything done if it weren't for this great invention. Just getting around to brushing my teeth can be a challenge when Brady is fussy, but putting him in his Bjorn is about the only thing that calms him down. It also allows me to have my hands free, so even better. I can't tell you how many laps Colby and I have made around the house, with Brady in his Bjorn at all hours of the night, to calm him from one of his screaming episodes. Right now as I type he is asleep in it. I may write a letter to Mr. Bjorn and thank him for putting this thing on the market. Here is a pic of Brady in it as I write this.
We had Brady's 4 week appointment yesterday and everything was great. He is up to 10 lbs 9 oz and 23 1/4 inches long. He is big in all areas, even head circumference. He did not get the big head from me. :) We are still having a tough time with Brady and his stomach issues, at least that is what the doctor thinks it is. We are on a different reflux medication now, hoping that will work. Poor little guy is not sleeping and screams in pain, it is heartbreaking for us.