It is amazing how little sleep you can actually function on. I was expecting to get no sleep, but I don't think I was fully prepared for how little that was. I figured Brady would sleep the 2-3 hours at a time all the books said he would and need to be fed in between. This would be no problem. Apparently, we made a baby that requires no sleep, which means mom doesn't get any either. He loves to sleep when Grandma is here, but any other time, he is wide awake and just wants to bounce. Both Grandmas have relieved me on several
occasions and I have
been able to sneak in a quick nap, which is such a treat. I just keep thinking Brady has got to be exhausted and is going to take a long nap one of these days. Even two hours straight would be a huge luxury. Colby is helping as much as possible, but is also trying to make it to work every day.
Brady is doing great and is really starting to focus his eyes on your face. He looks like he is actually listening to what you are saying, it is so cute! He also loves to stare at the lights in the house. So easily entertained. He loves his Baby Bjorn, which has been a life saver on several occasions. He is moving like crazy and is so strong I can't even believe it sometimes.