Friday, July 27, 2007

Zero to 60...

I hate to laugh at our baby, but this about sums up his personality right now. Finally asleep, but wait...just kidding. :)

Thank God for the Baby Bjorn

This thing has been a life saver. I would never be able to get anything done if it weren't for this great invention. Just getting around to brushing my teeth can be a challenge when Brady is fussy, but putting him in his Bjorn is about the only thing that calms him down. It also allows me to have my hands free, so even better. I can't tell you how many laps Colby and I have made around the house, with Brady in his Bjorn at all hours of the night, to calm him from one of his screaming episodes. Right now as I type he is asleep in it. I may write a letter to Mr. Bjorn and thank him for putting this thing on the market. Here is a pic of Brady in it as I write this.

We had Brady's 4 week appointment yesterday and everything was great. He is up to 10 lbs 9 oz and 23 1/4 inches long. He is big in all areas, even head circumference. He did not get the big head from me. :) We are still having a tough time with Brady and his stomach issues, at least that is what the doctor thinks it is. We are on a different reflux medication now, hoping that will work. Poor little guy is not sleeping and screams in pain, it is heartbreaking for us.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Play time!

Brady's new favorite toy. He seems completely captivated by this thing. The blinking lights and music keep him entertained for about 10 minutes, which is huge. I think that is the most his attention span can take at this point. I am not sure how far he can actually focus, but he sometimes manages to reach out and touch some of the dangling toys. I may be just a fluke, but he has done it several times. We have his 4 week appointment on Thursday, so that will be fun. We made a trip to the doctor last week to get him checked out because he was obviously having some stomach trouble. They weighed him and he had gained a pound in a week. He was 10 lbs. 6 oz. so we know he is not having any trouble eating.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sleep Deprived

It is amazing how little sleep you can actually function on. I was expecting to get no sleep, but I don't think I was fully prepared for how little that was. I figured Brady would sleep the 2-3 hours at a time all the books said he would and need to be fed in between. This would be no problem. Apparently, we made a baby that requires no sleep, which means mom doesn't get any either. He loves to sleep when Grandma is here, but any other time, he is wide awake and just wants to bounce. Both Grandmas have relieved me on several occasions and I have been able to sneak in a quick nap, which is such a treat. I just keep thinking Brady has got to be exhausted and is going to take a long nap one of these days. Even two hours straight would be a huge luxury. Colby is helping as much as possible, but is also trying to make it to work every day.

Brady is doing great and is really starting to focus his eyes on your face. He looks like he is actually listening to what you are saying, it is so cute! He also loves to stare at the lights in the house. So easily entertained. He loves his Baby Bjorn, which has been a life saver on several occasions. He is moving like crazy and is so strong I can't even believe it sometimes.

Friday, July 13, 2007

2 Weeks old

Brady is 2 weeks old and growing like crazy. We took him for his 2 week appointment yesterday and he had gained over a pound. He is now at 9 lbs 6 oz and 22.5 inches. When they measured him at birth he was supposedly 18.5 inches long, so either he grew four inches in two weeks or they measured him wrong in the nursery. Either way, he is eating and growing like crazy! Poor little guy has been pretty fussy, but is so sweet and is already getting spoiled, I'm afraid. He doesn't like to ever be put down. He loves to be held and loves to fall asleep on your chest. A habit we will have to break later, but for now, whatever gets us a little sleep will have to do. Here are some recent pics.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Well, almost two weeks have gone by since Brady was born! Wow, how it flew by. We are all still adjusting, Brady loves to eat and sleep all day, but hasn't quite figured out his nights yet. Colby went back to work today, but Cara's mom took off the day to help her on her first day alone with Brady, so that was nice!
Brady does love to chill though when he naps, his favorite position is with his arms above his head. Pretty funny!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

First week at home.

Brady has been home for 6 days and we are learning something new about him every day. He has been a little fussy and we have been on several car rides to calm him down. The car seat on the dryer works too. I think the main challenge has been figuring out his feeding schedule and when he is satisfied. It is hard to tell when you are nursing if he is getting enough, but Brady and I are working on it. He loves both of his Grandma's so much. They always seem to see the "perfect angel" Brady when they come to visit. Maybe it has something to do with their years of experience, but he is so content when he is in their arms. Griffin loves Brady too and is very protective, but is a little anxious when he cries and is getting as little sleep as we are.

Last night Colby and I got out of the house for a quick dinner date. My mom babysat and we went for Mexican food. I had my first margarita in 10 months and it was delicious. I had forgotten how good they were! It was such a treat. I could only have one and knew I was done. The tolerance really goes down when you don't drink for 40 weeks! :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

From Colby, Cara and Brady....

Monday, July 2, 2007

Brady is here...!

I know, I know - you are all probably wondering why no posts in a week?? Well, Brady Clemens Smith was born at 3:04 AM, on June 27th, 2007. He weighed 8 lbs., 3 oz. and was 19 inches long. We are all home now and Cara and Brady are both doing great! We are still adjusting to all this craziness, but trying to learn and laugh. So far Brady has been great (knock on wood) and LOVES to eat - as his mom will attest to.

We will keep this updated as much as we can... Cara is off of work until mid-September and Colby took off work the week of July 4th and heads back next week. Thanks to EVERYONE for their calls, flowers, goodies, etc. ! We feel very blessed to have such great friends and family.