...and feeling it! 37 weeks is full term and I can tell you I am more than ready to meet my baby boy. I can't even feel sorry for myself yet because I haven't even reached my due date, but I sure feel like it is time to have this baby. I am so tired and I can't sleep at all right now. 45 minutes at a time is about my max and I usually just give up, get out of bed, have a bowl a cereal and watch TV. It is very possible I could go past my due date, so I better just accept the fact that I could have about 3 more weeks of sleeplessness ahead.
My only other complaint is that I am super puffy. My face, my hands, even my wrists are bad. I can't wear my watch or bracelets. My feet and ankles actually aren't as bad for some reason, but I have major chip munk cheeks right now.
This weekend was our one year wedding anniversary. It has been a VERY eventful year! :) We have so much to celebrate and are both so thankful. We managed to make it out to dinner and a movie and had a great time. Both of us decided to save our big anniversary dinner until after Brady is born. It will be nice to have a date night out, but I will finally be able to order a rare steak and have the beverage of my choice. I am looking forward to that!