This is a fun stage...I am still not very big, but Brady moves so much it reminds me there is a little baby growing in there. I feel really good and have definitely had an appetite. If I go for more than about 3 hours without food, the horns come out and I need to eat...not in an hour, not in 30 minutes...I need to eat now. I actually get really light headed and shaky as soon as I get hungry and it hits me fast, so I have started to carry around snacks in my purse.
I had my 6 month doctors appointment today and it was the typical checkup. Everything looked great and I go back in 4 weeks. The big news was I gained 6 lbs since my last appointment. This was by far my biggest weight gain yet. I had gained 7 lbs the entire pregnancy, until now and all of a sudden, 6 more lbs. It doesn't bother me, I am happy to gain the weight and know he is just growing away in there.