Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I am a zombie and Brady isn't even here yet. I am having major insomnia. I think it is just trying to get comfortable in bed with my new extra weight in the front and then there are the 5 trips to the bathroom every night. I am definitely not complaining and I think this is great practice for the many sleepless nights to come, it is just making sitting at a desk all day very challenging. Several people have recommended getting a pregnancy pillow, so I am going to try that. Poor Colby and Griffin aren't sleeping either because of all my tossing and turning and trips to the potty. It could also be mental and I have read that especially first time moms can get some anxiety. I don't feel nervous or anxious, but I do wake up with a million things on my mind. It would be ok if I could keep a continuous flow of caffeine going through my system throughout the day, but since I have been pregnant, I have limited my intake to a small cup of coffee in the morning. That may have to change, but I don't want to keep Brady up too. I will just be getting bigger in the next two months, so I better figure out a way to sleep soon. :)
Friday, March 23, 2007
6 1/2 Months!
Brady is still teeny tiny, but he now weighs about 2 lbs. We both still have a lot of growing to do, but we definitely are on our way. I can now sit at work and watch my belly move through my shirt, while I am at my computer. I can identify his sleep from awake patterns very easily. I think he twitches a little even while he sleeps, but when he is awake, he is all over the place. The rolls are the coolest thing to feel and I am starting to be able to feel actual body parts through my belly. I don't know what they are yet, but I assume that hard lump is probably a butt or a head. According to what I read, his hearing is fully developed, which is apparent when he reacts to sounds with a kick. He has only done it a few times, but when I got in the car the other day the radio must have been turned up, so when I turned on the car it blasted and scared the little guy because even though I immediately turned it down, he kicked me three quick times. Either that or he doesn't like Justin Timberlake.
Hopefully I will soon have some pictures of the nursery, but we are waiting on furniture to be delivered so there really isn't much to do now. We have the crown molding and that will be put up in the next couple of weeks, so that is a good first step.
Hopefully I will soon have some pictures of the nursery, but we are waiting on furniture to be delivered so there really isn't much to do now. We have the crown molding and that will be put up in the next couple of weeks, so that is a good first step.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Well, we did it!! Colby was brave enough to come with me to Babies R Us yesterday to register. It was definitely a lot harder than I thought. There is SO much to choose from and not going in with too much knowledge on what you "really" need, isn't the best approach. We walked into Babies R Us, they gave us our little Scanner Gun and we were off.
The first section is Nursing and Feeding. Not a good place to start. They literally have a wall of bottles and nipples as far as the eye can see, not to mention the 10 different Breast Pump Systems you can buy. We looked at each other and just started laughing. I mean really! I have heard great things about a few of the bottle brands, but have also been told to not get too many before the baby gets here, because you never know what will work for you. The baby could have gas, reflux, etc. and the bottle you have may not work out. Although obviously very important, we skipped that entire section. Way too stressful.
We did, however, get a lot done. The stroller, car seat, Pack n Play, Swing and many other necessities have been selected. So we did get something done. I also registered at Pottery Barn Kids, which is more just bedding and some other fun things.
The first section is Nursing and Feeding. Not a good place to start. They literally have a wall of bottles and nipples as far as the eye can see, not to mention the 10 different Breast Pump Systems you can buy. We looked at each other and just started laughing. I mean really! I have heard great things about a few of the bottle brands, but have also been told to not get too many before the baby gets here, because you never know what will work for you. The baby could have gas, reflux, etc. and the bottle you have may not work out. Although obviously very important, we skipped that entire section. Way too stressful.
We did, however, get a lot done. The stroller, car seat, Pack n Play, Swing and many other necessities have been selected. So we did get something done. I also registered at Pottery Barn Kids, which is more just bedding and some other fun things.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
25 Weeks
At just over 6 months, Brady is about 1 1/2 lbs and almost 14 inches long from head to heel. That sounds so big, but he still has a lot of growing to do. From what I have read, his hair has color already, but can always change after he is born.
I finally have people, I don't know, noticing I am pregnant at work. It is about time! I have been waiting for that and I love it when someone asks. My belly is getting bigger, higher and harder. A couple of people have told me I am carrying high. I am not really sure if I am or not, but I will take their word for it. After I eat lunch and sit at my desk it feels like my whole meal is sitting right above my rib cage and will never go down. Not very comfortable. I haven't had heart burn yet, but can see how that might happen. I have also been using my stretch mark oil religiously and haven't seen any yet, but we will see.
People keep asking me what I am craving and at the moment it is ice cream. I really never eat ice cream, but for about the last two months I have at least 2 flavors on hand at all times.
Colby and I finally ordered our rocker/glider and ottoman yesterday. It is so big, soft and comfy. We ordered it in a mocha color. I think we will be spending a lot of time in that chair, so we wanted to pick out something we really liked.
I finally have people, I don't know, noticing I am pregnant at work. It is about time! I have been waiting for that and I love it when someone asks. My belly is getting bigger, higher and harder. A couple of people have told me I am carrying high. I am not really sure if I am or not, but I will take their word for it. After I eat lunch and sit at my desk it feels like my whole meal is sitting right above my rib cage and will never go down. Not very comfortable. I haven't had heart burn yet, but can see how that might happen. I have also been using my stretch mark oil religiously and haven't seen any yet, but we will see.
People keep asking me what I am craving and at the moment it is ice cream. I really never eat ice cream, but for about the last two months I have at least 2 flavors on hand at all times.
Colby and I finally ordered our rocker/glider and ottoman yesterday. It is so big, soft and comfy. We ordered it in a mocha color. I think we will be spending a lot of time in that chair, so we wanted to pick out something we really liked.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
6 Months

This is a fun stage...I am still not very big, but Brady moves so much it reminds me there is a little baby growing in there. I feel really good and have definitely had an appetite. If I go for more than about 3 hours without food, the horns come out and I need to eat...not in an hour, not in 30 minutes...I need to eat now. I actually get really light headed and shaky as soon as I get hungry and it hits me fast, so I have started to carry around snacks in my purse.
I had my 6 month doctors appointment today and it was the typical checkup. Everything looked great and I go back in 4 weeks. The big news was I gained 6 lbs since my last appointment. This was by far my biggest weight gain yet. I had gained 7 lbs the entire pregnancy, until now and all of a sudden, 6 more lbs. It doesn't bother me, I am happy to gain the weight and know he is just growing away in there.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Brady is So Toots!!

Aunt Alison surprised us with some great gifts for Brady this week. He will look so cool in his Vintage Tees. They are so tiny, I just cannot imagine they will actually fit. This picture doesn't do them justice, but they are teeny-tiny and so cute. One of them is a Tootsie Roll shirt that says "What's Up Toots". My friends and I have always said "So Toots", instead of So Cute, don't ask me why...but the T-shirt reminds me of that and makes me laugh. We have so many thoughtful friends that have given us such sweet gifts. Brady already has his first pair of Tech booties, a set of Nike Bibs, OU and Tech burp clothes, OU and Tech onsies and Colby just bought him his first Mavs onsie.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
What is going on in there???
Brady's movements are getting stronger and stronger, which is very apparent now from the outside of my belly. Usually, as soon as I get home from work and relax, it is a party in there. My entire belly moves as he moves and it is amazing to watch. It is almost like waves across my stomach, with the occasional kick here and there. My belly will sometimes move in all four corners at once. I really don't know what he could be doing in there, but I could stare at my belly for hours and watch him play. I can also feel the kicks getting up higher and higher above my belly button. They used to be an inch or two below my navel, but now I am starting to feel them an inch or two above. Soon he will be kicking me in the ribs. :) Colby can easily feel him from the outside now and has watched the belly dance a couple of times. It is so much fun, we love our boy!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
...I have been a slacker. No posts for an entire week! We have been continuing to look at a few Day Cares and found one we really love. We visited the Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center. Long name, but great school. The only problem is the waiting list. There are quite a few babies in line in front of Brady, so we will keep our fingers crossed and probably get him on a backup list somewhere, just in case. It is amazing how early you have to think of these things. We have friends that also take their little ones there and love it.
Other than that, not much new. I have my 6 month appointment next week. I can't believe it is going to be 6 months already...unbelievable! Brady and I are both growing a little more each day and I will post a picture next week with our new sillouette. We are going to really start work on the baby room soon. We are shopping this weekend for a glider/rocker and then we need to move everything out of the room, into the new guest room. There is so much we still need and we plan on registering sometime in the near future, although I am going to have no idea what to pick out. Babies R' Us can be a scary place to a new mom, who doesn't know what you really need. I am sure I will figure it out and I have lots of friends offering great advice.
Other than that, not much new. I have my 6 month appointment next week. I can't believe it is going to be 6 months already...unbelievable! Brady and I are both growing a little more each day and I will post a picture next week with our new sillouette. We are going to really start work on the baby room soon. We are shopping this weekend for a glider/rocker and then we need to move everything out of the room, into the new guest room. There is so much we still need and we plan on registering sometime in the near future, although I am going to have no idea what to pick out. Babies R' Us can be a scary place to a new mom, who doesn't know what you really need. I am sure I will figure it out and I have lots of friends offering great advice.
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