Half way through! I cannot believe it. I had my 20 week/5 month appointment this morning and everything looked right on track. The appointments are quick and painless. Take your weight, pee in a cup, take your blood pressure, feel the uterus, hear the heartbeat. That is all there is to it. Of course the doctor asks how I am and if I have any questions, but that is about all that the monthly checkups include at this point. It is always fun to hear Brady's heartbeat, even though now I feel him moving, so I know he is in there. :)
I have gained 3 lbs since the last appointment, a month ago, which the doctor said was great and the top of my uterus is right at my belly button where it should be. It is always re-assuring to hear that everything is on track. She also recommended turning in my forms to Labor and Delivery now. It seems so far away, but I guess it is good to get it done now. I am sure time will FLY by.
Brady is moving more and more these days and almost has set schedule, which is so funny to think about. He loves to do baby aerobics mid morning, around 9:30 until 10:30. He is pretty quiet until about an hour after lunch when it is play time again. Then again after dinner and just a little adjusting when I lay down for bed. I usually get a few good kicks. He has to get comfortable for the night, I guess.