It is HOT and while enjoying any time we can spend at a pool, we also have to get a little more creative to entertain the boys. We have been to several movies and plays, the Children's Museum, the duck and turtle pond at Northpark, even the grocery store can be an outing. At least it has AC. Last week we took Brady to his first baseball game. The game was at 7:00, but it was still 100 degrees when we parked. We were lucky enough to be in a reserved, shaded area where Brady could walk around and watch the game when he felt the need. It was so much fun and the perfect set up for his first game. It has been a fun summer so far, but really, really looking forward to October and a break from the heat.
Wally is getting so big. At his 4 month appt, he was 15lbs 6 oz and I don't remember exactly how long. I do know he was in the 85% in length and head size, just 50% in weight. Which surprised me, as Wally is so much more solid than Brady was. He isn't chubby, just solid around the middle, with broader shoulders. Brady was more like a little baby bird at this age. Maybe all that crying burned a lot of calories. It is so interesting to see the differences in the two of them already. Wally has started wearing several 6-9 month outfits due to his length, which is just crazy to me. He also got his first tooth this week. One on the bottom just poked through yesterday!