We brought out a new toy for Brady that he has been begging to play with, but just recently was old enough to really enjoy. It is a blow up football player with a hole and a net to catch the football. Brady really loves it and can actually throw the football into the hole, from a short distance of course. He decided putting it on his head was much more fun.
It has been so cold in Dallas and even snowed this week. Brady is doing great and will be moving into his big boy bed in a couple of weeks, in his new big boy room. The project of cleaning out the guest room/office is happening this weekend. Our bathroom remodel project is almost done as well, so the boys will have a nice, new bathroom to share.
I am 6 1/2 months this week and really starting to show. I think I am definitely bigger this time around than I was last time at this point. This is the really nice stage of pregnancy...you have a cute little basketball and the baby moves constantly, but you are not to that uncomfortable stage yet. And finally people realize you are pregnant, not just fat.
Brady started Soccer Tots last month and it is so much fun. It is not real soccer of course, mostly hand eye coordination type games, using soccer related skills and just 55 minutes of energy release. We go every Saturday morning and then to breakfast afterwards. He loves his Saturday morning pancakes and will usually take a long nap afterwards. It is wonderful for mommy and daddy too!