Griffin is usually way too excited and hyper for Brady to get any cuddle time, but he must have been tired last night. Brady got some good hugs and kisses in, even sat on him for a while. I think Griffin loved all the attention.
Brady is very into "big kisses", boo-boo's, mommy's freckles, fire trucks and trucks in general. He is ALL boy and I love it! He is talking up a storm and it is not rare that he will surprise us with a 5+ word sentence. There is not a cuter little voice and he is at such a fun stage. We head to Sea World for his 2 year birthday next weekend. He has seen the commercials on TV and knows the dolphins and whales. I asked him if he wanted mommy and daddy to take him there (Sea World) and he said "Yesh". We are really excited and I think he will enjoy it.