Brady is really interested in coloring right now. It holds his interest for a good 20 minutes, so it is great when I need to clean up the kitchen, or any other chore where Brady needs to be contained. I learned very quickly that coloring was only allowed in the highchair, after he started coloring the ceramic tile and the leather ottoman. We go through crayons pretty quickly, most get broken or end up on the ground for Griffin to chew up. Luckily they are cheap. Here are some recent pictures of our little artist hard at work. Look at that concentration.
Brady has a new word every day. Yesterday he pointed out a "Bus" and pronounced it perfectly. I didn't even know he knew that word. He also knows his own name now..."Bray-Tee". Just this morning he has been saying "Hi!!!" with so much enthusiasm, it is adorable. HI Mama, HI Dada, HI Dog-a, HI Bray-Tee.