Monday, December 31, 2007
My Turtle...
Brady loves the Baby Einstein turtle in his crib that plays music and lights up. It plays every night when he is dosing off to sleep and now is a fun toy he can play with while he practices sitting up. The crib sides are padded, so any tip-overs are well protected. He looks like such a big boy when he sits up. Look at that posture! Brady is also really getting frustrated just laying still. He wants to crawl so badly, but hasn't quite figured it out yet. He scoots around a little, but no real crawling yet.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas was great and full of family. Brady made a haul, of course. Lots of new clothes, toys and books. This year he had no idea what was going on and was in bed while we opened most of the presents. It was a fun first Christmas with him and I think every year will be even better. He is really starting to look like a little boy these days. It is so crazy how quickly they grow.
Brady is a little chatter-box these days. His favorites are still da-da and ba-ba, but he does a cute little da-da whisper that Colby loves. Turn the volume up and you can hear.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Happy Boy!
Really mom...I have had about enough of the pictures now.
Brady is really in such a great stage right now. He is a dream. Just so smiley and happy...almost all the time. Of course he has his moments, he is still a baby. Brady is starting to be keenly aware of when we take one step out of the room and he does NOT like it. He is already a ham and it is "watch Brady time" all the time. In his jumpy chair, in his exer-saucer, on his quilt playing with the toys. It is pretty funny and we make sure he knows we are there watching. Brady is really getting into his toys right now. He is so focused and watching his coordination improve is so neat. His favorite is the jumpy chair that hangs in the doorway. It is hilarious to watch and he smiles the entire time he is in it. He can already get some serious air! It is just amazing to me how far he has come, since the early days and what an easy baby he has turned in to. We just love him so much and are so looking forward to the first Christmas with our boy.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Captain Drool!
Brady has been drooling for the last couple of months, but since his tooth really started coming in, he has kicked it up a notch. I had no idea babies could drool this much and we just keep a bib on him at all times. He is starting to give what I call hugs and kisses, which is basically him grabbing your neck and rubbing as much drool as possible on your cheeks and chin. It is so darn cute, but very wet. :) I will take any kisses from him, no matter how slobbery.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Da, da, da, da....
Ok, Ok...I knew it would happen, but Brady definitely said Da-Da before Ma-Ma. Well, he hasn't said Ma-Ma at all and can't stop da, da, da-ing all day long. It is so cute and Colby loves it. Brady is also sitting up...almost. He is a little wobbley and I like to keep some pillows around him so he doesn't face plant on the hardwoods, but he seems to really like his new view. It is much easier for him to play with his toys, too. The other big news is that Brady has his first tooth!! It is coming in as we speak and we can see the white top making it's way through his gums. He doesn't seem to be too bothered by it yet, but we will see.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
2nd Trip to See Santa!!
Friends of ours had a fun Lunch with Santa today and Brady got his 2nd shot to see Santa. We all had a great time and Brady was one of the only babies that wasn't terrified of Santa.
Brady also had his first run in with the dreaded ear infection. He has been such a healthy boy, but got the "Super Bug", as I call it, that Colby, I and apparently everyone at daycare has also had. We have had a rough weekend, but he is feeling much better after a couple days of antibiotics.
Sunday, December 2, 2007

This morning we went to the City of Addison's Santa Breakfast. Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived on a Fire Truck, which was very cute. I think Brady will really enjoy that part next year. It was Brady's first time to see Santa and he was pretty indifferent. He was much more interested in all of the decorations and other kids, not so much into Santa. It was so much fun and we got some cute pictures.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Just plain cute!
Brady loves his floor time and rolls over like crazy. He is starting to scoot himself around by pushing with his legs and is almost sitting up. If I prop him up, with his Boppy Pillow, he can sit up himself for a few minutes. You can see in the picture that he is getting a lot more hair and has packed on a few pounds. He has actually gained over 3 lbs in November alone! We are going to see Santa tomorrow, so we will see how that goes. :) I will post pictures.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Baby Comb-Over
Brady's hair is getting so long, but still hasn't decided what color it is going to be. Right now, it is a dark auburn, but looks like it is coming in lighter underneath. He still has his mohawk though, which is a good 3 inches long. He can get a good Donald Trump comb-over going if he wants to. He is getting so big and about to grow out of his bathtub. And the big announcement...he is consistently sleeping through the night. He goes down about 7:30 and wakes up between 6:00 and 6:30am. Every once and a while he will have a little outburst at night, but we just go in, put his pacifier in and pat him back to sleep. Other than that, he seems to have the hang of it.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
We are not sure where this came from, but it is Brady's new favorite trick. Maybe it is the reaction he gets from us, but he just keeps doing it. When we came home from our weekend in Austin, Brady had something new to show us. It is his Superman pose and he does it constantly. He isn't stretching, he does that with his whole body, but he just throws his arms up, straight up in the air like he is waiting to take off. We, of course, clap and he smiles, but he takes it very seriously, like he is being judged on form. Colby and I were very entertained all afternoon.
This thing is great. He loves it and it gives us the opportunity to get stuff done around the house, knowing he is safe and entertained. Brady is really starting to use his hands and play with toys. It is really neat to watch him gain coordination. Daddy is really excited that he seems to be using his left hand the majority of the time. We will see if we have a left hander in the family. It runs on my side, so you never know.
Walking with Mommy
We have had such beautiful weather in Dallas that it is hard to spend any time indoors. We take Brady for walks as much as possible and he loves to ride in the Baby Bjorn. He gets a great view of the world around him, now that he faces outward. It is really too cute. I can already tell he is getting much heavier. He had his 4 month appointment last week and got all of his shots. Not fun for anyone. They warned us he may get a little fever and he sure did. At one point, it was over 101 degrees. I know this isn't anything to be alarmed about, but it was his first real fever, so of course I worried. He was a little fussy for two days, but was better in no time. He was 15.7 lbs and 26 inches long. Still has a big head...or "lots of brains", as we like to call it. So, in relation to other babies his age, he is very long and skinny, with big head. :)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Too Cute!

At this age, Halloween is totally for the parents entertainment. We got together with some friends that live in our neighborhood for a mini Halloween party for the little ones. Brady lasted about an hour and only about 5 minutes in his costume. He loved watching the bigger kids in their costumes and was so cute in his.
Happy Halloween!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Surprisingly, Brady really has this bed time routine thing down. In his first two months, we really thought he might be the only baby in the world that required no sleep. We are past that now and he is a champ at bed time. Bath, bottle and we are adding books to that list. I have heard it is never too early to start reading to your baby. I really didn't think Brady would have the attention span for it, but he was completely captivated when Colby pulled out a couple of our new books. I think this will be a new "B" in our bedtime routine.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Pumpkin Patch

Today we went to the Pumpkin Patch at my mom's church. We took at least a thousand pictures...and oh yeah, bought a pumpkin. Here are my favorites, but there were so many cute ones. Something about babies and pumpkins. We were all sweating, as it is 90 degrees in Dallas today, but Brady had to wear his Halloween onsie and jeans, so we just toughed it out. They say the cold front is coming...finally! Brady has so many cute fall outfits I am dying to put him in. It looks like it will finally be cool enough this week.
Cruel and unusual punishment
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