For the three people that actually still read this blog, I apologize for the lack of postings. Brady has exceeded all of my expectations and is such a good big brother. Wally could not be a sweeter boy and is all smiles. He is officially sleeping through the night, 7:00pm to 7:00am...we are so excited. Wally is also officially a red-head. Maybe we should say auburn, but definitely reddish. Colby likes to give him a Mohawk.
Wally loves his big brother and Brady loves him right back. First thing Brady asks in the morning is "where is Wally? I want to kiss him". The look on Wally's face when Brady walks into the room is priceless. I love to watch it.
Brady is really in to building forts and he has now decided he needs a magazine when he goes "poo-poo". :)