Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fun to be One!

Brady had his first birthday party on Saturday and it was so much fun! He was in a great mood and loved all the action. He enjoyed his first taste of cake and playing with his new Sand and Water table he got from us, although it turned out to be more of a mud pit and all the kids ended up covered. It was a great party all around. We opened all the gifts this morning, if you are wondering why Brady is in his PJ's. He received some great gifts and his first baseball cap. It is "toddler size" and of course, already fits his head. He is starting to look like such a little boy!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy Birthday B-man!

Ok, I won't get too mushy...but I really cannot believe that it has been one year. I was in labor exactly one year ago, down to the minute and it seems like yesterday. What a little blessing Brady has been to our lives and we have loved every minute of it, except maybe the first 8 weeks or so...they were a little rough. He has grown out of his colic and although he is still very strong willed, he has become so affectionate and sweet. And maybe the cutest baby ever. :) When we are in a room playing with his toys, he always looks up to make sure we are there and watching. About every 2 or 3 minutes he comes over for his hug and kiss and then goes right back to playing. He has become a bit of a mama's boy and is very clingy, grabbing on to my legs, pants, skirt hems, whatever he can do to get me to pick him up. His new favorite thing is the "fake cry". It is worthy of an Academy Award and it works. He mainly uses it when he wants to be carried, but he is very strategic with its use.

Brady's birthday party is Saturday and I hope he enjoys his first piece of cake. He is also getting his one year photos done Saturday morning, so he has a busy day planned.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Early Birthday

We ordered Brady a chair for his birthday and it came yesterday. We couldn't resist letting him try it out and he loved it! He won't know that it is supposed to be a birthday present. I snapped these pictures this morning of him enjoying his new big-boy chair. Love how he just chills, ankles crossed, arms propped up. He watches his shows for about 20 minutes in the morning, which gives us time to get ready for work. You can see how focused he can be.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Spaghetti - 1 Brady - 0

Brady's first taste of spaghetti. He loved it, but it was definitely a messy meal. So far, his favorite "big-boy" foods are mac n' cheese, spaghetti and yogurt. Brady also loves Golfish, Graham Crackers and Nilla Waffers. He is mildy interested in blueberries and pears, but REALLY loves his shredded cheddar cheese. Brady did not go for the Tofu, although I tried! Here are some pictures of his first Spaghetti experience.

Brady has also found a new love. The Backyardigans. It is actually a cute show and fairly entertaining for the adults, but he just loves it. He is so intense and serious when it comes on TV and zones in.