Monday, May 26, 2008

Sports Page

I hear Colby read the sports page at a young age, so maybe he passed that along. Brady got a kick out of reading about the Colonial this morning. It was pretty darn cute.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

My first Mother's Day was great. Colby made breakfast and even better, bought a spa package for me to enjoy next weekend. I haven't been to a spa in over a year, so I am very excited to be pampered for the morning. I am sure it was all Brady's idea. :)
The posts have become a little sparse lately due to busy schedules. I have been receiving many requests to update, so I was sure to do it today.

Brady is a crazy little man right now. He loves being vertical, although he has mastered crawling. He is so fast, if you turn your head for a second he is off and around the corner. He is walking with his push toys and walks if we hold his hands, but is not brave enough to try it himself. Brady is the happiest when we walk him around the house holding his hands, he can really get going and just loves it.