Sunday, January 27, 2008 Brady's expense.

A good laugh for Mom and Dad, maybe not so much for Brady. He thought wearing Daddy's hat was pretty funny though. Brady has been wonderful these last two weeks. Sleeping straight through the night, laughing and smiling like crazy. Still no actual crawling, although he can push himself up where his entire body is parallel to the floor, he just doesn't know what to do after that. We try to encourage him by putting his toys just out of reach, but he just gets mad and gives up. I am sure he will do it when he is ready and for now, he is happy with us getting him where he needs to go. His favorite pastime is still the bouncy seat.

Brady has had some busy weekends and really likes running around town with us. He made his first trip to the mall (where we didn't have to immediately turn around and leave) last weekend and loved all the people watching. Brady is so observant these days and just stares at people until they see him and then will give them a huge smile. He is already flirting and is pretty good at it.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Morning calisthenics...!!!

Welp, I am letting Cara take a little morning "nap" while I watch Brady....this seriously has to be the best babysitter ever. I think Brady might could stay in this all day long if he really wanted to, but we try to limit his time in the "bouncer" so it won't stunt his growth or so he won't grow up bow-legged. He sure does love it though, as you can see.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Prunes and Peas

Brady has really started to love dinner time. He usually has one veggie and one fruit for dinner, mixed with a little cereal. We had to cut back on the cereal and step up the prunes...I will spare you the details, but I am sure you can figure it out. Brady hasn't met a food he doesn't like, even the green ones.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Big boy chair.

Brady has been eating baby food for about a month now and is finally big enough to sit in a high chair. This thing looks like a lazy boy to me and he loves it. He likes to sit it in just to play with his toys and beat them against the plastic tray. I think it is a whole new view of the world for him.

End to football season...

Well it was a sad end to OU's season, but a pretty good win for Tech. Colby was pretty excited and Brady was there to support one of his teams. He wasn't too into the game though.