Saturday, December 27, 2008


I think Brady really got into Christmas this year. He loved unwrapping his gifts and was so excited to see each one. Brady loved all the attention from family and was such a good boy! He got a new slide from Santa and some new clothes, puzzles, books, trucks and a "choo-choo". He should be busy for a while.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Not a fan of Santa

Oh, the drama. We have been practicing our "Ho, Ho, Ho" for weeks and Brady has been pointing out Santa in all his Christmas books, but in person he was not having it. We watched Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive on the Fire Engine and we waved and waved and Ho, Ho, Ho'd. But when it came down to actually sitting on Santa's lap, Brady was not in the Christmas Spirit. I have never seen the poor little guy so scared. He was literally digging his fingernails into Colby and would not let go. Colby actually had to be in the pictures. He did stop mid-fit and give Santa a high five, which was very brave. The families in line behind us thought that was pretty funny. It was a great day though. We will have to wait for the perfect Santa portrait next year.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Guns up!

Brady is definitely all boy and has a new love of trucks. We have taught him to say vroom, vroom when he sees one, or pushes his around the house. He usually tries to push two at a time and gets very irritated when it does not work.

Brady has learned all of the parts of his face and body. He can point to his nose, eyes, ears, mouth, hair, hands and feet. He will also point yours out, if you would like. Brady has become an expert on the Eskimo Kiss. It is my favorite of his new tricks. There is nothing much sweeter. He is becoming so affectionate and loves to give out hugs and kisses to mommy, daddy and the rest of his family...sometimes even strangers. We are loving every minute of it!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Man this kid's head is big. We have known for a while it is well "off the charts", but it is really entertaining when he can wear Daddy's visor. Of course it is set on the smallest size, but he can still wear an adult visor. Pretty impressive. I think part of it is the hair! It is getting really long. He is such a cool dude.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Something new every day...

Brady's vocabulary continues to expand and his personality is really coming out. He gets so excited these days, whether it is an airplane flying overhead, a song on TV, seeing the little ducky in his is all the thrill of his life and it is so cute. The simple things.

Brady's new words are zeus (juice), shooos (shoes) - he knows which shoes belong to Mommy and which belong to Daddy. If we leave any around the house, he brings them to us...shooos, shooos, shooos. It is a good way to get us to put our shoes away. He is very big on ni-ni right now and tells everything in his room ni-ni before we make it to his crib.,,, growth, Once that is taken care of, he wedges himself and his blankets into the corner of his crib and doesn't make another peep until 7:00am. Brady has become an expert at bedtime!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Morning Snooze

Brady is in a great reading stage. He is constantly handing us books and crawling into our laps. He also "reads" out loud to himself, in his own language and it is hilarious. When he goes down for his daily nap, he picks one book and reads himself to sleep. I went to check on him today and found him in this position. Blanket, Bunny, Book.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

Brady's 2nd Halloween and he seemed to have a lot more fun this year. He went as a Dooowg and he actually stayed in his costume ALL night. We were shocked. It was a great night and everyone had a good time. We have several friends that live in Lake Highlands, with kids ages 2 weeks to 4 1/2 years. We started at our house, had pizza and then went trick or treating down our street. Our block is great, with a ton of kids and they were out in droves. It was just a bit warm, but a fun night for everybody!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Brady was introduced to utensils a couple of months ago, but has recently become an expert. After weeks of refusing to eat, I finally realized that he just doesn't want ME to feed him. He wants to do it himself. He still reverts back to using his hands for some things, but the majority of meals he uses only a spoon or fork to feed himself. He really seems to enjoy it and has been eating so much more.

Friday, October 24, 2008


I will add some new pictures this weekend, but wanted to post a quick update on all of Brady's new words. Some, he has been saying for a while, some are brand new. He is at a funny stage right now where he can repeat, or at least try to repeat most words.

Favorite Words:
Baby (he points them out everywhere)
Doooowg (first word)
Na-Na (banana, or anything yellow) This morning a Dart bus passed us, which are bright yellow and he went crazy with the Na-Na, Na-Na, Na-Na.
He can say GO!!! Complete with arm in the air.
Fooo-baw (football).

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Monkey Boy!

Brady gets a wild streak every night before his bath. Squeals and furniture stunts are what he is in to right now. At first, I was a little hesitant, but now we just let him go crazy climbing on the sofa and ottoman. It is hilarious and each night he takes it just a little further. He is a little dare devil right now.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Trip to the Arboretum

Just cute!

Cooling off in the fern misting area with Daddy.


...and running

...and running.

One of the only pictures from the front.

A little Yoga to relax.

Brady trying to fit through the fence for a closer look. He was not happy about this.

We took at family trip to the Dallas Arboretum today and it was fantastic. The weather was great...still a little hot, but the pumpkins and the fall flowers were awesome. Brady was not in the mood to pose for pictures for mommy, so the majority of them are of him running away. He ran and ran and ran until he just wanted to lay in the grass. There were so many families and brides there having their pictures taken in the fall flowers and pumpkins, it was really neat.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

It is still HOT!

These pictures are a couple of weeks old, but it is still hot in Texas. Although we have had some milder weather and the nights are cooler, it is still pretty hot!

Two weeks ago my brother, mom and some friends went to Octoberfest in Addison. It was supposed to be a pleasant 85 that day, but ended up in the mid 90's. We were all miserable, especially the babies, so the park's fountain area became very popular. Most babies were in their diapers running around and splashing in the pools. It was a great way to beat the heat. Brady wasn't so sure about the fountains at first, but warmed up to them.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Time for a hair cut...

Well, not so much of a cut, as just a trim. We found a lady (Carol) that cuts mostly toddler and kid's hair. She was great and Brady loved to have his hair wet and combed. There are no big before and after pictures, as there is no huge transformation, she just took a little off all the way around. Luckily, we didn't want to cut the curls...Carol said she would have refused.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Close enough. All the way home from school today Brady and I practiced saying Boomer! I was shocked that he immediately said Oooomer! No "B", but close enough! I was so proud. More playing in the yard pictures below.

The Brady Dance

He's got moves!

Boomer Sooner!!!

USC lost last night, which leaves a spot for OU as the #1 team in the country. I won't say any more, so I don't jinx it. Brady wore his new OU shirt to school to support his favorite team. It is still a little big. This week is the OU shirt, but he will share time wearing Daddy's favorite team, too. I am sure he loves both teams equally.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Lawn Boy

We cannot keep Brady in the house these days. He points to the back door and says "ba, ba, ba"? Which is his version of "Ball". We have to keep the shades closed, so he is not constantly reminded of how much fun the back yard is. It is still so hot during the day, but we spend almost every evening playing in the back yard. His sand table, bubble mower and giant ball are his favorite outside toys of the moment. He also loves his sidewalk chalk, but mainly just emptying the container and putting them all back in.
Here are some cute pictures of him enjoying the back yard. His hair is so great right now. The curls could not be more adorable. We get a mixed response, either people love it and compliment his gorgeous hair, or tell us he looks like a girl. Colby and I love the curls and they are here to stay, at least for a while.